What To Do with Your Old & Unwanted Witchcraft Tools?

Every Witch eventually accumulates tools and things used for spellcraft, rituals and Spiritual work in their practice. And eventually, some of those stop being used or wanted, and then we face the dilemma of how to dispose of or get rid of the tools we don't want.

Some reasons we stop needing a magickal item:

  • We outgrow it

  • We change our practices in a way that it becomes obsolete

  • It have associations we find unpleasant

  • It stops working

  • Our aesthetic changed

  • We're moving and can't take it with you

  • We have accumulated duplicates and/or redundancies

  • We have to downsize our collection due to space constraints

  • We want a fresh start

  • We never used it / didn't have enough need for it

  • It was a gift that didn't quite fit

  • We stop practicing Witchcraft or change how we identify ourselves

  • The tools were from a specific tradition you are no longer practicing or affiliated with

  • They were shared and the other person/people are no longer using them

  • Itsr energy shifts and doesn't work for us anymore

  • It got damaged

  • Lots of other reasons!

Owning magickal tools does not require a lifetime commitment- it's not puppy after all. You're allowed to change your mind and your reasons for not wanting something, whatever they are, are completely valid.

Before I get to my general advice, I want to specifically address a few key categories of common Witchcraft tools and items that might find themselves on the chopping block:

Jars: I don't know many Witches who don't hoard jars. But it actually is possible to have too many! (I know, sounds made-up!!) The downsizing struggle is real. When this happens, gifting empty jars to other Witch friends is a favorite choice for me.

Many years ago I bought a home only to later discover every homeowner in the small community (there were about eight homes in a circle) was in fact a Witch or magickal practitioner. All independent homeowners, moved there at different times for different reasons, with no prior knowledge of anyone else living there. It was quite magickal! When I changed jobs and needed to move an hour away for work, though, I had to downsize my 4-bedroom home with a yard to a much smaller condo. I knew I would definitely not have room for all my Witchcraft items at my new place, and with four kids in tow, I had some hard decision to make about what made the cut and what didn't. Some of my Witchcraft items didn't make the cut sadly, and so I gifted a few boxes of pretty antique jars (which to this day I miss!! lol) , books and other supplies to my Witchy neighbors who were thrilled for the treasures. I felt so much better leaving them behind knowing my items would have good homes and get used.

Herbs: Old or unused herbs can accumulate quickly if you aren't careful. You might have needed an herb one time for that one spell but now you have a whole bag or jar of it and no more need. Or you simply saved or got too much or didn't realize they have about a year-long shelf-life (at best).

So now what do you do with them?

Herbs you no longer want can be burned in ritual fires, as incense, made into floor washes, bath teas, natural dyes or composted in the garden.

Newer herbs less than a year old can still be used for spells, rituals and offerings- so maybe try to find a way to incorporate them into some magick, or gift them to a practicing Witch.

Older herbs past their potency are best suited for those things that don't ask much of them. I would not personally use very old herbs for any important magickal work or offerings, but I might use them for lesser taxing Spiritual uses. Smoke cleansing can be done with almost anything that will burn, so older herbs can be useful here where the smoke produced from burning may be more important than the herb itself. Or if any of your herbs have high aromatic properties, the fading scents can still be enjoyed in sachets, simmer pots or incense blends.

Regardless of their usefulness or lack thereof, I believe returning them to the Land as compost or plant food is the least I can do if I have no other need for them.

Candles: Unwanted, unused candles made of paraffin are not safe to bury. They are suitable for regifting, donating or selling based on the condition they are in. Many people use candles, not just Witches, so your potential pool of people who may be interested in them is substantially larger. I have bought my fair share of candles from thrift stores and I promise, they work just as well as new!

Natural candles that are biodegradable and non-toxic such as those made from beeswax or soy can be composted if you decide they are not suitable for giving away or selling.

Stubs and partially burned candles can be melted down for new candles or used as wax seals for jars and other spellwork. Their containers can be reused to house new candles or upcycled.

Divination Tools: Tarot and oracle decks have a lot of misinformation and superstition surrounding how they can be attained or gifted. I don't pay no mind to any of it. Decks and cards have always had their own personalities, and every practitioner who picks them up either will connect with them or they won't. They won't haunt anybody, cause misfortune or any of the other notions floating around. The same is true for other divinations tools such as pendulums, scrying mirrors, Spirit boards and so on. These are all just tools, not supernatural objects on their own, despite Hollywood hype. YOU are the thing that makes them go, so don't be afraid to give these to others or get them used for yourself. They are perfectly safe. Paranoia has no place in our craft, so let's keep our heads on straight, shall we? There is someone out there who would love their first Tarot or oracle deck, pendulum or Spirit board, and won't care where it came from.

Books: When I moved to Idaho (thirteen years this year- omg!) I got rid of a LOT of my books, including my Witchy ones as my moving space was at an extreme premium. Books are one of those items that is physically hard for some of us to part with and I'm no exception. Each one is a part of us and it's like losing a piece of ourselves to say goodbye to the ones we love. I get it. I really, really get it. But sometimes we have to prune our collection for one of many reasons, hard as that may be, and in doing so we often try to honor the books by finding them a good home.

I came into Witchcraft in a time (back in my day...) when books on the occult, magick and Witchcraft were scarce. They were definitely not available at the Barnes & Noble or other mainstream bookstores. Without the internet (yet) we really only had each other and the rare old books we found in the dark and dusty back rooms of used bookstores for information and guidance. So books on the occult were kind of sacred then, and still are for me and I think a lot of people of my generation that relied so heavily on them before we had the internet, Google, social media and books on Witchcraft everywhere you turn. With that comes a certain reverence for how they are disposed of that might seem excessive or neurotic to outsiders. And maybe it is, but that doesn't change much how we cherish these books.

If you have unwanted books, try contacting your local library to see if they would be willing to add them to their circulation. There are also Little Free Libraries around your community and some of them might love a donation of this kind. I would also see about donating or selling them within your local Witchcraft community by contacting a local Witch group or joining one online. Books are one of those things can be truly more valuable to the right person than the cost you paid for it.

Decommissioning a Book

Besides giving away or selling the books, there may be occasion that you think a book so bad or misinformed it's unworthy to be shared. I have a few such books myself. If I don't throw the whole book away, I like to use the pages for other things. Even in problematic books, not every page is problematic. I don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

There's also sometimes a need to retire a book because it's just falling apart, poor thing. You've used it to DEATH and now it's time to lay that well-worn and read book to rest.

I often use pages and covers from occult books that I've decided to 'decommission' for art projects, journaling, spells, and even as ritual firestarters.

Tools: Tools have a special place in a Witch's heart. Below I talk about a lot of ways to dispose of tools, but I want to say a few extra things about them here first.

The suggestions here for getting rid of unwanted Witchcraft items may come across detached or blase. I know that the decision to part with certain things we've used in our practice can be more complicated than that. A Witch's tools in particular are sacred power objects. They are special in a way only a fellow practitioner understands. We bond with them and they to us, and a relationship is created and nurtured over many years. It may feel impossible at first, but you can in fact break that bond, end that relationship and remove all your energy from your tools whenever you want.

There may come a time when you outgrow that tool, or it no longer serves your needs. You may have any number of reasons for wanting to stop using a tool, and it can feel overwhelming, emotional or even impossible to break that connection. So it's OK to feel a certain way about it. It's OK to see this as a difficult task. It's OK to grieve a tool when you decide to stop using it. It's OK to have lingering emotions and memories over 'things'. It's also completely OK for you to not experience any of this, because you feel ready and don't feel sentimental about it. There's no right or wrong way. Accept however you feel about it. Then take the steps needed to let it go and start moving on to what you want to do next.

What to Do with Unwanted Witchcraft Tools & Items

Whether you are considering getting rid of just one, several or all of your unwanted Witchcraft items, here are some ideas and suggestions:

Donate & Swap

Beginners and Witches without monetary resources would love to trade, bargain or receive gently used tools and supplies.

  1. Look for a magickal swap meet where you live, like the one we hosted in October at the Witch's Market & Emporium here in Twin. Some cities will have them advertised but if you don't see one, consider gathering a few friends and hosting one together!

  2. Contact your local Pagan or Witchcraft community group to see if they have a lending library. We ran a lending library for a few years from my shop with donated books, tools, and divination items that community members could check out, and freebies-to-keep like candles and herbs. I loved this so much and hope to get to bring this back one day. Check with your local occult shops, too, to see if there is an organized list of people in need. If all else fails, create your own group on Facebook for local Witches to swap, trade or donate.

  3. Ask friends, family or other Witches you know to see if they would welcome a donation.

  4. Donate to your community public ritual supplies or coven.

  5. Donate to a local thrift store- I can't tell you how many truly awesome finds I made this way in my early years of being a practitioner and I was so thankful to every Witch who donated their items this way where it was easy for me to access.

  6. Leave or gift these items to your children or grandchildren, whether or not they are interested in practicing at some point. They may appreciate a memento of yours or something they consider unique or 'cool'.

  7. If the item or tools are unique or very old, you might consider donating them to a Witch museum, historical museum, local art society, haunted objects collector or a curiosity shop for display.

Have a Sale

There's absolutely nothing wrong with re-selling unwanted Witchcraft items, even if you got them for free. Witches need money to pay their bills just like everybody else. The taboo of earning money from your Witchcraft is incredibly outdated and built on a mountain of bullshit. Get that cash if you want it, my pretties.

  1. Hold a yard sale and put out your Witchcraft items along with your household items, clothes and other things. I have found two cherished cauldrons from yard sales and I am always so tickled when I come across Witchcraft items.

  2. Offer them for sale in local Buy-Sell-Trade groups, and on Facebook Marketplace, Instagram or other social media platform.

  3. There's a market for used and vintage items on Etsy and Ebay- open a store or account to sell your items!

  4. Try selling to an antique shop- for the right items, you may find success! There is definitely an overlap in the demographic of those who shop for antiques and those who look for occult items.

Inspirited Items

Perhaps you have vessels or tools you no longer want that have been inspirited and believe these are not suitable for donation, trade or to sell. I'm here to tell you it's a very doable task!

Not to be confused with Nature Spirits, Land Spirits, Hearth Spirits or generational Spirits that are anchored to your family, mind you. I am exclusively referring to summoned or invited Spirits. This could be any object you have housed, hosted or anchored a Spirit or entity in or to, through summoning, pacts or even breathing a lifeforce into being.

First, when the object becomes unused, unwanted or has completed its purpose/no longer serves its purpose, it is time to release the Spirit or entity from their housing. If you have any unfinished business or active spells connected to them, this is the time to break those connections and recall the Spirits or entities working on your behalf. If appropriate, thank them for their service or presence, especially if they were bound by your command or invitation.

If the Spirit has been trapped and you do not wish to release them (although with care, you can release them!), you might just simply bury or burn the vessel instead.

A simple ceremony and words of release are all that is needed in most cases.

If you are unsure how to phrase your words, imagine having to end a contract with someone who you want to stay on good terms with, such as needing to fire a dear friend because the business is closing or because they achieved the sales goals you hired them for, or a soldier who has returned from war because the war is now over or has been won, and they can go back to regular life again, or gently letting a long-term guest know it's time for them to move on. Speak to the Spirit or entity with the same compassion, love, admiration, respect, gratitude and care of words as you would the friend or soldier.

Summoned v/s Nature Spirits

There is a difference between a summoned Spirit or entity and one that is anchored to the home, hearth, family or Land. These are not going anywhere in most cases, and aren't usually attached or locked to a physical object. These types of Spirits existed before you showed up and will continue to exist after you leave. You are the temporary element, not them.

Attaching, hosting or housing Spirits and entities in a vessel or object is the result of a summoning, trapping or invitation. This could be a Spirit you are working with for a spell, an object imbued with an Elemental, a Spirit trap, or an Ancestor that you have given a physical space to anchor when visiting.

In nearly every circumstance, once you release them from the object, they move on and that's the end of it.

For Ancestors, the vessel is completely optional and not required for you to work with them. It's a convenience for them that you provide as an additional consideration. You might change the object they reside in but they are not bound to it in the same way as a servitor or other Spirit working in service to you might be. Ancestors are free to come and go as they please unless or until you set a boundary that says otherwise.

Rarely do we need to take hard measures in these circumstances and even rarer do we find ourselves with a stubborn Spirit who refuses to listen. It doesn't mean it never happens, but it happens far more rarely than people like to boast, and is the least likely occurrence.

Bespelled Items

Objects that have been charged, enchanted, charmed or otherwise imbued with magick can be cleansed and brought back to neutral with relative ease.

Cancel, close or call back any outstanding spells or magick that may be associated with the object or tool. Either transfer or direct the energies or intentions to a new tool or vessel as needed, or ground anything you don't want back into the Earth. This is where your skills in directing energy comes in very handy.

Just like you would cleanse a used item from the antique store, thrift shop or yard sale, you would take similar measure to pre-cleanse the items before giving them away. No matter what kind of spell or magick you have used that object with or for, including baneful works, it can be entirely removed.

Witch Tip: Retired tools and objects do not cancel out or undo magick and spells that have already been carried out or completed. If you sent out a hex, your target sustained the consequences of the spell and it did what you wanted, then destroying the object or cleansing it will not change what they have already experienced. The same holds true for a healing spell and any other type of enchantments cast.

If the spell is still actively working, especially if you have continued 'feeding' it, closing or cancelling the spell, recalling the magick or energy sent, or dismissing the Spirit assigned with carrying out the work will break the spell and cause your target to stop experiencing the effects of the spell. However, there still may be ongoing consequences at play initiated by the original spell that have already been set in motion and will need to play themselves out. Take this into consideration when getting rid of your tools and items.

If an item was used for a spell years ago and has been long forgot or the spell has long been done, the energy has naturally dissipated and it is no longer bespelled with the original intentions. A simple cleansing is usually adequate.

Spiritual and Energy Cleansing

When disposing of, giving away or selling unwanted Witchcraft items, it's a good practice (and good manners) to do a thorough cleansing of them beforehand whether or not the object has been recently used or activated.

Choose from your most trusted or favorite cleansing techniques or combine a few to fully cleanse and release all the magickal energy you have personally added to the item. Smoke, water, herbs, energy, salts, sounds, chanting, etc.

If doing heavy cleansing or a lot of it, such as when getting rid of many things all at once, I suggest following this up of with a general home/ritual space cleansing and a Spiritual bath, checking in with wards and protections and fortifying where needed.

If evicting Spirits and entities from objects, I suggest following up with a banishing, too, followed by a relocking of Spiritual doors (protections and wards) and a Spiritual bath.

Consecrated Items

Some traditions teach that once an item has been consecrated, by blood or otherwise, it is bound to you forever, the end, periodT. I disagree. If you are part of a tradition that teaches that, go with what you believe. If you don't, there is no need to automatically adopt that viewpoint so strongly unless you have personally explored the idea and come to a similar belief independently, in which case (and in all cases), do what you feel is best.

For everyone else, and for me personally, I don't believe anything is that permanent when it comes to magick. I believe you can absolutely deconsecrate an object, detach it and unbond it from you. If the object has acquired a life essence or Spirit from the use -and they sometimes DO- I feel it is best to release (or banish if necessary) that entity or Spiritual essence from the object rather than simply imprisoning it for all of time (which I don't believe is possible either).

When in doubt, refer to my suggestions below for 'Sentimental or Stubborn Items'.

Items Used in Blood Rituals

If you have an item used in a blood ritual and the object has had blood on or in it, because of contamination and biohazard concerns, I suggest simply throwing it away in a sealed bag. While you could energetically cleanse it and then clean it with bleach and other chemicals, the truth is it carries the potential for risk to someone's health and safety and unless you are close to the person receiving the item and they are aware of the potential risk, it's better to err on the side of caution and just throw it away in a safe way.

Sentimental or Stubborn Items

There may be items you no longer want that you simply don't wish for someone else to have. Maybe they are sentimental to you, maybe they are highly personal like a grimoire or journal, maybe they hold secrets, maybe you feel the energy or Spirit wouldn't budge to your satisfaction, maybe you feel they are problematic, or maybe you have other reasons. You're entitled to do what you want with your unwanted Witchcraft items.

You can:

  • Bury it: Dig a hole where you feel is best (your land, an enemy's land, an abandoned lot, the forest, the desert...) and ceremonially or unceremoniously chuck it in, cover it up and don't look back. Be aware of any littering or disposal ordinances where you live, and be mindful of the impact on the Land or eco-system based on what you are leaving there so it does not pose a risk for contamination or pollution that might affect wildlife or crops.

  • Burn it: Fire is a great purifier and effectively kills or releases whatever we feed to it. Depending on what you are burning, you may want to decide between an outdoor fire v/s inside your hearth.

    Many Witches make plans to burn their spellbooks when the time comes to pass on. Our grimoires and journals of this nature are highly personal. I've spoken about this before but I'll say it again. This practice is not meant to prevent others from learning the Craft. It's more because our journey as a Witch is so unique and what we have written in our books is so integral to that journey, you can't just pick up another Witch's magickal texts and expect to understand it all let alone learn how to do what they did. A Witch's personal spellbook is not an instruction manual written for others or meant for others to read.

  • Dispose of it in Running Water: Running water has the magickal ability to powerfully cleanse and neutralize items we give it. This is a tricky one because we must consider the impact on the environment and living creatures dependent on that water source when performing rituals of this kind that require us to dispose of potentially polluting items in natural water sources. It may be effective, but it may not be ethical or in alignment with your relationship to Land.

  • Take it to Your Grave: Some Witches feel strongly about their magickal items and will not part with them while they walk this Earthly plane. Instead, they choose to be buried with them. It is certainly an effective way to ensure the objects remain safely stored for as long as your grave remains undisturbed, by which time the objects will have naturally grounded out and their imbued energies rendered inert if that is the intention (It is possible to bury an item with a power source to keep it active....). Taking your Witchcraft items with you to the grave is an option for you, as well, but you will need to make arrangements for your wishes to be clearly understood upon your death.

  • Throw it Away: Don't discount just throwing things away when you don't have any other alternatives or don't feel good about the ones you have. It's effective and accessible for most everyone. The trash bin or directly to the landfill is perfectly sufficient.

  • Banish & Sever: If you still do want to donate or sell your item/s, but worry about someone else owning something of yours they could potentially create a magickal link with, either accidentally or on purpose, here's my thoughts on it.

First, once you cleanse the item, I truly believe that is sufficient in nearly all cases. You either believe in your magick or you don't. If you do, then you KNOW you have washed your energy from it and that's the end of it.

If you don't have that confidence, I suggest a cord-cutting ceremony or a banishing ceremony, or simply a ceremony or ritual where you formerly sever your own ties and connections to the items and block them being able to find you again. You can also enchant the items or assign a Spirit to stay with it to never be capable of being used to harm or influence (for good or ill) you, your family, or your bloodline (etc.) for as long as you/they are alive.

I don't really believe all of that's necessary, to be honest. It's a bit like sweeping, then vacuuming, then sweeping again the same spot on the floor. With that said, I have to remember that I didn't start off this confident in my abilities as I am now and that in my very early days I remember having some of those doubts, mostly remnants of leaving Christianity and fear of the devil still lingering... and from believing the baseless fear-mongering that floats around from folks within the community who boast about practicing magick but actually don't.

Either way, if it makes you feel better about it, the above are real steps you can take to ensure in your mind and heart there is no further link from you to the object and vice versa.

Final Thoughts

I am personally far less worried about energies of items I've gifted, donated or sold coming back to influence or harm me in any way because I believe in my magick, my cleansing techniques, my protections and wards, and don't feel paranoid or live a life spent looking around corners for something to 'get' me. I don't want you worried about these, either!

What I do spend time fussing over instead is finding people who actually want used Witchcraft items! There's so much misinformation and fear-mongering that even people who might really like it or need it might feel afraid to accept something used by a Witch. And I find that sad. We are better than that, and our magick is stronger than that. I think those attitudes undermine community and partnerships. We need more sharing, swapping and co-mingling! In my opinion we need to shed these Christian-based fears and antiquated notions surrounding how energy and magick works so we can get back to being Witches who Walk in Their Power.

At the end of the day it's always up to you how to get rid of Witchcraft tools and items you no longer want or need. I hope I gave you some ideas and food for thought!


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