Spellcraft: Level Three

Updated: Mar 28

Principles of Magick

Before you begin Spellcraft Level 3, be sure you've completed the courses for Visualization, Raising & Directing Energy, and all courses on Defensive Magick. Take a brief journey through them again if you feel you need a refresher. In addition, Spellcraft Level 1 is a primer for all the classes on Spellcraft that follow. Skipping ahead will likely leave gaps in your knowledge and skills that can leave you with unsatisfactory results in your spellcraft.


The theories shared here are not my theories and are not necessarily indicative of my beliefs nor is their inclusion here any indication of my approval or agreement.

The 7 Hermetic Principles

In studying Spellcraft and Magickal Theory, gaining exposure to varying beliefs, theories and doctrines of different occult traditions will go a long way to making you a more effective Witch. Below are the 7 Hermetic Principles. These are a specific tradition's ideas and beliefs about how magick works. With that said, these principles influence many other occult and magickal traditions and how they view or practice magick.

The goal here is to just absorb and learn and think. You aren't committing to anything or making any decisions.
I personally reject the 'masculine/feminine binary gender' part of occult and magickal beliefs, but it's still important to know about them.
You don't have to agree with all the theories being presented. Some may offend, some may challenge you, some may resonate strongly.

You will see over the course of these lessons how many overlap and appear quite similar. While some stem from the same original source or belief, many are distinct and deserve their own analysis and consideration. Pay attention so you don't fall into thinking they're all the same.

The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as early as the first century A.D. They were outlined by famed author Hermes Trismegistus, who is believed to have written the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum (two highly influential, ancient teachings).

His work would go on to influence both ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures, with both adopting him as a god of wisdom. (In Greece he was called Hermes; in Egypt, Thoth.) He was known in his time as a great master of the universe and is said to have lived for thousands of years.

Over time, the seven hermetic principles were passed down by word-of-mouth from teacher to student, and eventually, one day in the early 20th century, the teachings were compiled into a book called The Kybalion, written by "The Three Initiates." Today, they remain an occult source of wisdom, separate from any real religion but powerful nonetheless.

And while the seven principles are just one way of understanding the universe, they aren't so constricting that they cannot be studied alongside other spiritual philosophies. Here's what these principles are all about:

1. Mentalism

"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."

The principle of mentalism states that the universe is akin to a mental projection. This is like Law of Attraction, which is all about using your thoughts to shape your reality. For anything to be, a thought must precede it. Through this principle, it's believed that God is consciousness, or thought, and the universe is a manifestation of the mind of God.

2. Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."

We've all heard this quote before, but maybe you never knew it was Hermes who first coined it. It's closely related to the first principle of mentalism and states that what we hold in our thoughts and mind will become our reality. It explains the many planes of existence, including those of lower and higher vibrational frequencies and how they're connected.

3. Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

Yes, believe it or not, the idea of "vibes" has been around a long, long time. The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration. Basic science tells us atoms are in constant motion, as is the universe itself. Even our hearts, as they beat, give off different vibrations depending on our emotional state. And when we're "vibing high," we're able to avoid low-level frequencies that don't serve us.

4. Polarity

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

The principle of polarity explains that seemingly opposite things are actually one and the same at varying degrees. A simple example of this is hot and cold. Cold is just the absence of heat, and they're both one thing: temperature. Physical matter and spiritual energy are the same thing, with spiritual energy vibrating at a much higher level, such that it can't be perceived by our senses. Love and hate are two ways of experiencing the same thing, a relationship toward something. This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will.

5. Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

Closely related to the principle of polarity, the fifth principle states that between the opposing poles, there exists an inherent rhythm. The tides move in and out. We inhale and exhale.

Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so, too, do we. Understanding this principle allows us to recognize our life's—and the universe's—natural rhythms, so we can actually work with them rather than having them working against us.

6. Cause and Effect

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

Everything is connected through the principle of cause and effect, for each cause of one thing is merely the effect of something else, going back to the very beginning.

Ask yourself, are you a cause? Or are you an effect? This principle is all about acknowledging the effects of our thoughts and behavior and how we may change them to bring about greater effects.

7. Gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."

The seventh principle states that all things have masculine and feminine qualities. Yes, the two sexes can be thought of as a physical manifestation of this principle, but as we're all coming to understand, on an internal level, all of us hold both energies. (Think the left and right brain.)

Masculine and feminine energy exists in not only the physical plane but the mental and spiritual plane as well. The unity of these two energies is essential for creation, and when one has a balance of both, they're better able to apply all of the principles together for maximum benefit.

Principles of the Universe

Below is a list of 12 principles of the Universe, often associated with Ho'oponopono, a meditation for freedom originating in ancient Hawaiian culture. Some of the principles, or laws, however, are also attributed to hermetic philosophy going back to ancient Egypt and you will find some you are now familiar with listed here.

Remember these are part of our Magickal Theories, not Facts. Not everyone believes everything listed here or elsewhere in this course and it's important to not judge too much of it just yet. You're taking it all in for now and just thinking about it.


Law of Divine Oneness

The first and most foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else.


Law of Vibration

At a microscopic level, everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter but also one's personal frequency as well. This law says that our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience.

For example, you may be able to receive money but perhaps you can't hold on to it, because vibrationally, you could be operating on a lower level.


Law of Correspondence

This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Think "As above, so below. As within, so without."


Law of Attraction

Undoubtedly the most talked about universal law, the law of attraction is often used for manifestation. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. Not only that, but you have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain.

It is similar to the law of vibration in this way; it's important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you're seeking.


Law of Inspired Action

Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. Often the inspiration comes from within. Inspired action is that gentle, internal nudge, it's not always a plan of action.


Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that on an energetic level, everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is preceded by a thought, with thoughts themselves having the power to eventually manifest in our physical reality.

Ever been around a negative person and felt your own positivity depleting? That's one example—but it can also work the other way around: Higher frequencies transmute lower ones when applied with intention.


Law of Cause and Effect

Relatively straightforward, this law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. What's important to note here is we often can't see the effects right away, but they will come back around.


Law of Compensation

The law of compensation relates closely to the law of attraction and the law of correspondence. "You reap what you sow" is the main takeaway, with the law stating your efforts will always come back to you positively. If you are seeking something, you must contribute in some way toward your goal.


Law of Relativity

This law suggests that we are inclined to compare things in our world, but in reality, everything is neutral. Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective and perception.


Law of Polarity

This law says that everything in life has an opposite; good and evil, love and fear, warmth and cold. The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin.


Law of Rhythm

Cycles are a natural part of the universe. Physically, you can think about the seasons on Earth. In our own lives, we can remember that integration is just as important as growth. We expect ourselves to be one way all the time, whether we're thinking about our health or even productivity, but this is not sustainable.


Law of Gender

And lastly, the law of gender has to do with the masculine and feminine energy that exists in all things. Much of our society has historically operated from a masculine, "hustle and do" mentality, which doesn't allow for much room to just be.

Exploring Mentalism

Firstly, the Principle of Mentalism stresses that on the most foundational level, everything in the universe is mental. In a certain sense, the Universe is itself a living mind; one that is connected to all other minds.

As such, every action you take and every thought you take is an interaction between different aspects of the mental.

This important Hermetic Principle tells us that we are all one and that our surroundings are an inherent part of us. Once you understand the truth of Mentalism, you begin to grasp how it is that we are capable of shaping our reality using just our thoughts.

Another important lesson drawn from the Principle of Mentalism is that if we think the right thoughts, the right actions will follow.

This is a reminder that it is vital to plan carefully, to spend time reflecting on your true passions, and to identify your life's purpose. Once you have done so, your thoughts will be aligned with the Universe in such a way as to create the reality you desire.

While there is an important place for intuition, Hermetic teachings emphasize the power of reason and intelligence, cautioning us against impulsive choices.

Consider the initial thought that led you to be able to read this, on whatever device you're on. Or even the thought that is most influencing your mood right now.

When we recognize how much our thoughts manifest every day, whether internally as a physiological or emotional state, or externally, as the things we do or places we go, we see that when we can control our mind, we control our lives. We can get better at this through spiritual practices such as meditation, which help us train the mind.


  1. Research three different kinds of meditation.

  2. Try each one out for 5-minutes per day for one week.

  3. Log each day's practice in your journal.

Exploring Correspondence

Applying this principle is all about understanding your connection to the world around you and how you're showing up for yourself and the universe through your thoughts, and subsequently, your actions.

When we have a firm grasp on how we're interacting with life and how it's affecting us, we can recognize and break patterns, live in alignment with our highest good, and feel harmonious with everything there is.

At the heart of the Principle of Correspondence is the idea that there are constant links between the mental, physical and spiritual planes. Consequently, if we want to understand the patterns we see in our lives then we must look at all of these aspects.

Implicit in this Principle is the acceptance that we cannot access all planes of existence. However, Hermetic practitioners tend to believe that a keenly honed sense of intuition can help us tap into aspects of the higher and lower planes. Paying attention to gut feelings (such as a seemingly unexplained “pull” towards a person or an event) can help you make more sense of links between your everyday experiences and the higher, spiritual plane.

The Principle of Correspondence is also linked to the idea of repeating patterns, small and large. It is a reminder to consider the repeating themes in your own life and to reflect on the interconnected nature of your mental, physical and spiritual aspects.

For example, low energy in your spiritual life can manifest itself in physical lethargy in your body. On the positive side, practicing daily gratitude rituals can rejuvenate your spiritual side and lead to noticeable improvements in your physical well-being.


Download and complete the attached PDF: Daily Gratitude Ritual and Feelings Tracker

Exploring Vibration

Those who are experienced in working with the Law of Attraction will likely already be very familiar with something like the Principle of Vibration. To put it simply, all things carry their own unique energy, on all planes of existence.

In fact, even the smallest particle in the universe has a vibrational frequency that impacts things around it.

Crucially, this Principle tells us that high-energy things are magnetically drawn towards one another, and are attuned to them on a basic level.

Meanwhile, low energy particles gravitate towards other sources of low energy. So, in order to have a happy, fulfilling life, you will benefit from aiming to become a source of high energy.

It is this understanding of vibration that underlies the Law of Attraction idea that “like attracts like”. If you can increase your own vibrational frequency, you can attract more positive, high-energy events, people, and possessions into your life.

On the other hand, if you get dragged into negativity, it will be hard to attract what you desire. Both expert manifesters and Hermeticists believe that all of our thoughts can be fine-tuned. In this way, we can make our vibrational frequency progressively higher in a way that changes our lives.

Use the questions below to start working through your own ideas, beliefs and preferences in your notebook or journal.


What do you believe about the Law of Attraction?


What parts do you feel resonate, that feel true? What parts don't?


Do you believe there are any problematic aspects to the theory of the Law of Attraction or Vibration? If so, what are they?

Exploring Polarity

The Hermetic Principle of Polarity tells us that all things in our lives have an opposite and that the resulting contrast is part of what gives our narratives meaning.

For example, without knowing what lack feels like, it is difficult to focus on and appreciate abundance; the polarity of life's experiences helps us to avoid taking things for granted.

This Principle is also often taken to mean that everything has a dual nature. So, we all contain love and hate, positivity and negativity, sadness and joy.

It is up to us to recognize these contrasts and reflect on what they mean to us. We should use our willpower to align ourselves with the pole that is more helpful in our given situation.

One way to use the Principle of Polarity in your everyday life is to prompt yourself to reflect on contrasts that boost your vibration. For example, for every bad or difficult thing, you go through, challenge yourself to remember at least one good thing.

Then, notice how your appreciation of the latter is made more potent by having faced previous challenges. In addition, realize that everything that doesn't work well for you helps to point the way towards its opposite; the thing that will work for you.


List some opposites that might come up in a magickal spell. For example, some spells may be aligned with healing. What would an opposite of that be, and what terms might you give them?

If you are drawing a blank, try matching these up based on their polarity or come up with your own word to match:

• Healing

• Wrath

• Baneful

• Helpful

• Joyful

• Ward

• Banish

• Protect

• Attract

• Disguise

• Secret

• Gossip

• Fertility

• Dream

• Purify

• Manifest

• Prosperity

• Destroy

Exploring Rhythm

One of the major things we can learn from the Principle of Rhythm is that everything is in constant motion. There is a pattern to the changes we experience. Everything goes through cycles that move from birth to death and then rebirth.

This principle applies just as much to the Earth's seasons as it does to our bodies. The core idea here can be illustrative with an image of a pendulum. Imagine it constantly swinging back and forth and repeatedly reaching both great highs and great lows.

There is a sense of predictability and inevitability attached to this idea. In addition, there is a message that nothing in life is ever still.

The Principle of Rhythm can help you with mindfulness practices that support your Law of Attraction work. In particular, it stresses that nothing is permanent, whether it is good or bad.

All that you have is the present moment; fully immersing yourself in each part of your cycle will ensure that you learn and experience the most you possibly can. Focusing on this idea as part of a meditative exercise then helps to distract your mind from ruminations on the past or anxieties about the future.


Gather together:

• Shallow plate or bowl of fine salt or sand

• Pendulum - make one with any ring or pointed crystal pendant on a string if you don't have one

Place the bowl of sand on a table and sit in front of it. Holding your elbow on the table or hard surface, dangle the pendulum above the bowl until it just touches the salt. Adjust the height of your arm until you feel relaxed and stationary. Give the pendulum a swing and focus on the lines and tracks it makes. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment. *You may need to do some trial and error for the right amount of sand or salt and the right sized container.

When the pendulum stops, gently rub your hand across the sand to smooth it back out.

Remember, nothing is permanent.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Write in your journal your thoughts, insights, messages or images that may have come through. If nothing did, that's OK. There's no expectations. This is an exercise to connect you to rhythm and mindfulness.

Do this anytime you feel like you need a reminder, or when you feel the need to bring yourself back into the present moment and refocus.

Exploring Cause & Effect

Sometimes just called the Principle of Causality, the Principle of Cause and Effect describes the way in which all of our actions and experiences relate to other events. In other words, every action instigates a reaction, and nothing should be viewed in isolation.

In addition, there is no such thing as pure luck or chance; there is a reason for everything that happens to you. Witchcraft encourages people to become more active agents in their life. Essentially, you become the “cause” more often than the “effect”. Decide what you want to do and be.

Then, plan out the precise steps you need to take to attain those goals.

This Principle prompts you to think about the far-reaching impacts of your choices. Plus, it encourages you to address the things that are influencing you (for good or for the ill).

For example, when you apply the Principle of Causality to your manifestation work, you can use it to understand the ways in which the spiritual dimensions of your life can directly influence your surroundings (as well as other people).

If you work on creating a richer, more positive inner world, it will instigate positive changes on the outside. Meanwhile, if you are stuck in a negative environment, your inner world will suffer in response.

Keep in mind there can be multiple causes, and multiple effects.


In your journal or workbook, describe a real or fictional scenario where cause and effect might play a role in your spellcraft. Try to think of as many possibilities (effect) for a single decision or act (cause) as you can and list them. Then write briefly about how you might take steps at the beginning or along the way to eliminate, minimize or prepare for the effects you don't want to happen.

Exploring Gender

The last of the 7 hermetic principles and the 12th Law under the 12 Laws of the Universe. The principle of gender tells us that the masculine and feminine can be found in everything; not just in people, but in all aspects of the mental, physical and spiritual plane.

However, it's important to note that it isn't necessary to believe in gender stereotypes or to believe in perspective views about gender roles in order to make use of these concepts.

This principle has less to do with biological sex than it has to do with the notion of different masculine and feminine energies.

In general terms, the former is thought to be assertive, exploratory, and transformative. Meanwhile, the latter is reflective, protective, and nourishing. We are at our best when we know how to draw on all forms of energies in an appropriate way.

Followers of many magickal traditions typically hold that we are all made up of a blend of these types of energy. The Principle of Gender can be taken as an inspiration for us to find ways to apply and balance them for ourselves.

Excesses, imbalances or lack of different energies can create disharmonies, conflict and dysfunction.



What words, qualities, attributes or other associations do you have for masculine energy?


What words, qualities, attributes or other associations do you have for feminine energy?


Is there another energetic gender you are familiar with or work with instead of or in addition to masculine / feminine? If so, what words, qualities, attributes or other associations do you have for this energy?


Let's recap the basic theories of magick we just explored.

Things that are similar affect each other.

Things that are similar affect each other. For example, when you use coins in a money spell, the coins themselves aren’t worth that much. However, those coins have the energetic signature of money in all amounts and forms.

What you do to one thing will affect another similar thing.

The use of poppets in Witchcraft is a form of sympathetic magick. Because the poppet is crafted to look like the person it is meant to affect, that poppet is connected to that specific person.

Another example is when you use fire to burn things during your releasing spells. If you want to banish a certain person, energy, or situation from your life, you can journal about it and burn the journal pages. When the journal pages are burned, they change from paper to ash. The words that you wrote are no longer legible, and according to sympathetic magick, the person, energy, or situation those words we’re representing will also disappear from your life.

Objects that resemble other objects hold similar energy and can be substituted for each other in spells.

If you’re calling in the element of Earth, you can use something that represents the Earth. Green objects can be used because many healthy plants found in nature are shades of green. A sunflower can represent the Sun. Water can represent the Moon.

Objects that symbolize other objects can be used to call upon the energy they symbolize.

In Witchcraft, keys are often used to symbolize solutions, clearing away obstacles, or creating opportunities, these are all ways of “opening doors” for yourself. These archetypal connections are everywhere in magick. Look to literature, poetry, art, fairy tales, and mythology for inspiration of symbolism. All of that is fair game in sympathetic magick.

The more similar an object is to another, the stronger the connection. Less similar objects have a weaker connection.

A dollar or coin will have a stronger connection to the energy of money that a piece of paper with the word “money” written on it. Both can be used in a money spell, but if you are using the paper with the word “money’ written on it, you’ll need to use more of your own energy to fuel that money spell.

Objects that have been in contact with each other will share an energetic connection even after they have been separated.

A coin made from a brick of gold will always be connected to that brick of gold, and therefore every other coin, piece of jewelry and other items made from that brick. In addition, that brick of gold is connected to the vein of gold it was mined from and all the gold items melted down and made from it. Your coin is connected to those as well.

Other examples:

  • Shells hold the energy of the sea even after you remove them from the shore.

  • Someone’s hair or clothing will still carry the energy of that person.

  • Dirt taken from the site of someone’s grave will hold the energetic qualities of that person.

If YOU travel to a place that holds strong energy like a historical monument or a lively music festival, unless you take steps to ground out the energy or do a banishing or cleansing, you will naturally carry that energy with you even after you leave the area for a time.

Items like the gold coin, seashell, hair or dirt have strong, nearly permanent ties because they have been in contact and shared an energetic connection for a very long time before being separated. The longer the connection is maintained, the stronger the association will be.

Inversely, for short-term contact, such as brief relationships, visits to a place, etc., the connection will slowly fade over time through separation.

In some cases, such as with a personal journal, artwork, a beloved home or the land it rests on, strong emotions or physical anchors can imprint themselves and stay attached for longer, possible indefinitely.